DARE: Supporting Educational Attainment (4-11) – NI Alternatives 

DARE: Supporting Educational Attainment (4-11) – NI Alternatives 


CR1, CR3, CR7, CR8, CR9 


There was a growing need to engage primary school children in educational programmes that address various social and personal development topics. The aim was to foster strong relationships with schools and provide young people with knowledge and skills in areas critical to their development and well-being. 


The team engaged over 80 young people from two local primary schools in a series of educational sessions. These sessions covered a wide range of topics, including drugs and alcohol, smoking, mental health, anti-social behaviour, risk-taking behaviour, relationships with police, homelessness awareness, relationships, puberty, internet safety, and anti-bullying and diversity. Alongside these educational activities, ‘Good for Nothing’ initiatives were also delivered, involving both primary and post-primary participants. These initiatives encouraged young people to volunteer in their community for no reward, improving the reputation of young people and demonstrating their willingness to contribute positively. Projects included working on a sensory garden, a re-wilding project, fundraising for a homeless charity, delivering positive affirmation messages to local residents, and making Christmas cards for key workers. 


The programme successfully established strong relationships with P7 classes and the schools themselves. The feedback from young people and school staff was overwhelmingly positive, indicating satisfaction with the delivery and impact of the programme. The ‘Good for Nothing’ initiatives particularly highlighted the positive role young people can play in their communities. Through these initiatives, participants demonstrated a commitment to community improvement and personal development, showcasing their potential to make meaningful contributions without the expectation of reward. The variety of projects undertaken, from environmental work to supporting homeless charities, showed the diverse ways in which young people can positively impact their communities. 

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